
Mobile App for Memory Research

In the realm of cognitive and memory research, collecting high-quality, authentic data is paramount. The aLife app is designed to serve as a pivotal resource in our laboratory's toolkit for capturing, understanding, and analyzing significant moments as perceived by individuals.


Data Collection

The core functionality of the aLife app involves gathering images that users identify as having significance in their lives. By allowing users to label and rate their images, we acquire a rich dataset of photos representing important events from their past. This data is augmented with a significance rating from the user, providing an invaluable subjective lens into what constitutes meaningful experiences for different individuals.

Cognitive Scales

Beyond the primary image dataset, we enrich the collected data with cognitive scales rating. This enhancement offers a multidimensional view into the individual's perception, cognition, and sentiment about each memory.

Advanced Analysis

Our lab's future initiatives include image processing techniques and employing embeddings from various models to delve deeper into the data. This comprehensive analysis will help in extracting nuanced insights from the images, potentially unlocking new perspectives on memory processes.


Through the aLife app, we aim to amass a robust dataset, paving the way for breakthroughs in understanding memory and its relation to personal significance. We believe that by bridging subjective human experience with objective data analysis, we can shed light on the intricacies of how memories are formed, retained, and recalled.