Self‐reference, emotion inhibition and somatosensory disturbance: preliminary investigation of network perturbations in conversion disorder

Background and purpose

Conversion disorder (CD), or functional neurological disorder, is manifested as a neurological disturbance that is not macroscopically visible on clinical structural neuroimaging and is instead ascribed to underlying psychological stress. Known for many years in neuropsychiatry, a comprehensive explanation of the way in which psychological stress leads to a neurological deficit of a structural‐like origin is still lacking.


We applied whole‐brain network‐based data‐driven analyses on resting‐state functional magnetic resonance imaging, recorded in seven patients with acute‐onset, stroke‐like CD with unilateral paresis and hypoesthesia as compared with 15 age‐matched healthy controls. We used a clustering analysis to measure functional connectivity (FC) strength within 10 different brain networks, as well as between these networks. Finally, we tested FC of specific brain regions that are known to be involved in CD.


We found a significant increase in FC strength only within the default‐mode network (DMN), which manages self‐referential processing. Examination of inter‐connectivity between networks showed a structure of disturbed connectivity, which included decreased connectivity between the DMN and limbic/salience network, increased connectivity between the limbic/salience network and body‐related temporo‐parieto‐occipital junction network, decreased connectivity between the temporo‐parieto‐occipital junction and memory‐related medial temporal lobe, and decreased connectivity between the medial temporal lobe and sensorimotor network. Region‐specific FC analysis showed increased connectivity between the hippocampus and DMN.


These preliminary results of disturbances in brain networks related to memory, emotions and self‐referential processing, and networks involved in motor planning and execution, suggest a role of these cognitive functions in the psychopathology of CD.